Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Year’s Pondering

As I begin this post, it is late evening on New Year’s Day. My New Year’s resolution is to lose weight. I can’t lose weight if I continue eating, so I resolved to stop eating. That resolution worked until 8PM. Then I realized I had leftovers in the fridge, and my choice was to eat the leftovers or throw them out. I hate throwing out perfectly good stuff, especially edible stuff.

So I ate the leftovers. I ate an egg, and a sausage patty, and a serving of lima beans. It may sound like an odd combination, but single people eat plenty of odd combinations. When you’re single, your options are often to piece together a meal out of odds and ends or throw out perfectly edible odds and ends and create new odds and ends.

After eating the leftovers, I rounded up still more leftovers. My fridge held a bottle of leftover tomato juice, so I poured a serving into a glass. I added a dash of leftover Worcestershire sauce, a dash of leftover Tabasco sauce, a few grinds of black pepper, and oh yeah — a shot of leftover vodka. It was quite tasty.

I sat down in my quiet, dimly lit room and pondered my life. New Year’s Day is a time I ponder many things, including whether I want to continue writing this blog. When I hit the publish button, this will be my 1177th post to this blog. Is it time to stop?

Perhaps I should abandon writing. It occurs to me that my thoughts are more interesting (at least to me) than anything I type. I should set up a video camera and record my thoughts. I can publish the resulting video to YouTube as so many other wannabe pontificators have done. I could convert this blog to a vlog. Instead of blogger, I could put vlogger on my résumé.

I’ll have to ponder this some more. I have many thoughts but unfortunately not enough time and resolve to express them. Perhaps I’ll just skip over to YouTube and watch police chase or car crash videos. It sounds mundane, I know, but it’s often better than the tripe available on the small screen. In fact, car crash videos are more interesting than most blogs. Which gives me an idea: instead of posting a “Song of the Day” as I do when creativity fails me, I can post a “Crash of the Day”. For the best auto crash videos curated just for you, the virtual rubbernecker, go to VirtualWayne’s Crash Blog.

It’s just an idea. New Year’s Day is still ticking toward its conclusion. I’m still sitting in a dimly lit room, and I’m still pondering many things — things like how I’ve spent my life and what I would do differently if I were given the chance. And I wonder if other people have similar thoughts. Do they have regrets, do they wish they could have do-overs? Or do they think their lives have been lived with no imperfections on their part? My life has plenty of imperfections that I wish I could undo, but maybe that’s what life is about. Maybe each of us has been given a life in order to have an opportunity to learn what dumbasses we can be. Well, mission accomplished! I’ve done a few things I’m proud of, and I’ve done more than a few things I wish I could undo. But I can’t undo my mistakes. As the French say, c'est la vie.

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