Friday, January 12, 2018

Year One Musings

I've always felt that Germans in the 1930s were good, decent people who somehow had Nazism inflicted on them. But watching events in my country and in the current administration, I conclude that the Germans got what they wanted. They fell under the spell of an adept orator who appealed to their base instincts. They could not have predicted how destructive the malignancy would become, but surely many knew from the beginning that they were setting out on a path from which no good could come.

I hope we don’t see a replay of that afflicted time. We have the benefit of hindsight, so whatever happens the details will be different. But too many people are under our leader’s spell. They adore him regardless of what he says and does. In fact, the more outrageous are his comments, the more his disciples applaud. Where have we seen that before?

I won’t try to enumerate all the offensive things that have come out of this man’s mouth. There are enough lists already on the internet. I will end with this quote from Trump that is revealing and perhaps self-reflective: “Good people don’t go into government.”

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