Thursday, October 24, 2019

Tag, You’re It

Sometimes a friend will email me a link to a video on Facebook. Usually the link will not work, though it works for the sender. This morning I got another such link, and when I clicked it, Facebook said “Something went wrong.” I tried several times but got the same message every time.

I also got another message in my Facebook Notifications. It said that my restriction on “tagging people” had been lifted. The strange thing about this is that I very seldom use Facebook, and so I don’t know what “tagging people” is or what it does or how to do it. I played “tag” when I was a young child, but I’m fairly certain I’ve never “tagged” anyone on Facebook—and if I did it was purely accidental and I never knew I had done it. So for a while, Facebook restricted me from doing something that I didn’t know I could do, nor did I understand why I would even want to do it. All I want to know is: Is this “tagging thing” going to affect my credit score, or cause black SUVs to roll up in front of my house? If the answers are “No” and “No” then I’m pretty sure I don’t give a hoot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's stranger'n hell. I don't have FB, and you do; when I get a link to a FB thingy I get a popup with two choices: 'Create a FB account', or 'Not now'. I click the latter and then I can look at the link.
Maybe it's specific links; or maybe it's material that FB's algorithms has decreed to be in violation with their pissy little 'standards'. They're Berks.