Thursday, March 5, 2020

Why People Like Trump

If you’re old enough to remember the TV show “All in the Family,” then you remember Archie Bunker. I’ve come to realize that Donald Trump is the Archie Bunker of presidents.

People liked Archie. He was cranky and crotchety, he was a little racist and a little homophobic, and I’m sure he thought women belonged in the kitchen.  But people liked Archie because he said things out loud that many viewers could only think of saying. If you didn’t see a part of yourself in Archie, you probably saw someone you knew: a father, an uncle, a neighbor, a co-worker.

I liked Archie. Despite his faults, he was an amusing and likeable character. But I didn’t want Archie to be our president.

Donald reminds me of Archie in certain ways. When Trump isn’t giving us his thoughts on something he knows little about, he’s giving us his thoughts on something he knows nothing about. Sometimes he’s right despite himself. The problem is, as the proverb goes, “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” Maybe Trump will be the exception to the rule. Maybe he’ll be the Archie Bunker who does the right thing for the wrong reasons. We’d better hope so, because we’re all in this boat together and Trump is steering.

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