Thursday, March 9, 2023


I was walking through the superstore when I realized something. I realized that all the people walking around me were angels. They were angels in disguise, angels wearing street clothes. They didn't know that they were angels. They thought they were just human beings, nothing more. All of them had done bad things since their arrival on Earth. Some of them had done very bad things. But it was okay because they were learning. You don't expect children to have the wisdom of adults, and even angels have to learn and grow. 

When this realization strikes, it lasts only for a few seconds, perhaps for a minute. Life catches up with us and we're jerked back into our earthly existence. I guess that's why some people live in monasteries. They want to be free of society's distractions so that they can remember that we're all angels in disguise.

One day your body will die, but the angel inside you will not die. It will go home. But it will be back. There are many of its kind who are sleepwalking through their lives. They must be awakened. One day they will see the Light and then they can awaken others. The Light will spread. 

Some may not believe this. It may be difficult to accept, but the day will come, acceptance will come. You'll see. 


Anonymous said...


I enjoyed reading about Angels - however I have to reread and think about your theory before I agree with it.

It would be lovely if people knew there are many just waiting around to help us --

Sometimes your subjects are too deep for me to comprehend.

Best, LL

Anonymous said...

Good morning!

You have an amazing imagination, in this case, maybe is good or bad.

I don't know a lot about Angels but I believe in them and I know that God allow some to come to this earth in human form to teach us and learn from us, too.

I know also that there are falling Angels, maybe because they did not learn enough or they did not accomplish what God assigned to them, others because betrayed Him.

This is a very complex subject and I wish all of us were good Angels. Then this earth will be Heaven.

Maybe I can realize you are one and you don't know it. Who knows!