Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Here’s how things go at my house. I wanted to cook a butternut sqash I bought today. But the big Pyrex baking dish I wanted to use was sitting atop my microwave oven where it serves as incoming mail and important documents holder. I thought: what else can I use? Then I remembered the other baking dish that the squash would fit into – it was upstairs where it served as a drip-catcher when I had a leak in the roof. I didn’t need it there anymore, as I recently had a new roof installed. So I went upstairs and brought it down. It was really cruddy, so I had to take it outside and pre-clean it then bring it to the kitchen sink for a final cleaning. It’s good to go, now. But do I move my mail from the Pyrex dish to the new one and cook the squash in the Pyrex dish? Or leave the Pyrex as primary mail-catcher and cook the squash in the new dish?

It’s obvious: I don’t have enough baking dishes.

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