Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Another Modest Proposal

This country has two problems that are only going to grow.

Problem one: what do we do with the growing amount of nuclear waste created by nuclear power plants? Currently, the waste is being stored in pools of water at the nuclear plants.

Problem two: what do we do with our garbage after we run out of space for landfills? Cities and towns are growing and there is less isolated, unused land every day. No one wants a landfill for a neighbor.

Solution: we have a number of open pit mines. For example, the Bingham Canyon copper mine southwest of Salt Lake City is over 0.6 miles deep, 2.5 miles wide, and covers 1900 acres. When its copper is exhausted, let’s take our nuclear waste, encase it in cement, and put it at the bottom of this open pit mine. Then we start filling this huge pit with garbage from Utah and surrounding states. Eventually, after decades – if not centuries – the pit will become full and we can cover it with soil and move on to another exhausted open pit mine.

I know, I know … you have a better plan. Let’s hear it.

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