Sunday, January 6, 2013

God’s Day Off

I have an excuse to not write a blog today. It’s Sunday, the Christian Sabbath. And God doesn’t like people to do certain things on the Sabbath. God is very keen on people keeping the Sabbath holy. In fact, remembering the Sabbath is God’s 4th commandment. This may cause you to wonder what kinds of things done on the Sabbath would annoy the Lord.

Ask any observant Jew and he’ll tell you that among the things God doesn’t like people to do on the Sabbath (though Jews have a different Sabbath) is any act that is creative. An observant Jew will unscrew the light bulb in his refrigerator – just for the Sabbath – so that opening the refrigerator door doesn’t create light. “Let there be Light” is strictly God’s deal, at least on the Sabbath.

But then Jesus came along and he said, “Man was not made for the Sabbath, the Sabbath was made for man.” It’s enough to create confusion. (There’s that word again.)

There are an estimated 100 trillion trillion stars in the observable universe. And various observations suggest that the Universe we can see is an infinitely small fraction of what is out there. I figure a God big enough to create a Universe as big as ours isn’t likely to be concerned with what you wear, what you eat, and whether the light comes on when you open your fridge. But that’s me. Your mileage may vary.

I may go to Hell for this, but I’m clicking the Publish button on my blogging software.

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