Tuesday, February 19, 2013

By the River

Yesterday was nice: sunny and warm. The afternoon temperature was about 44° F when I drove to a small spot on the river where the waterfowl congregate. I know 44° may not sound warm to some, but compared to the early morning temperature of 14° it was almost balmy.

I used my $99 point-and-shoot camera in video mode. Hence, the quality isn’t great. The day was breezy, as you can hear on the audio track. If you listen carefully you can, at times, hear sounds of the city. This spot is a restful, hidden place inside the city. I encountered three other people there: an older couple visiting for the first time, and a young man and his dog. Like me, he had come there for the quiet, and I left him to his solitude as I walked down to the river bank.

If this were summer, there would have been a few fishermen beside the river. On this day there were none. Soon the others left and I was alone. The little spot on the river was now accompanied only by ducks, geese, seagulls, sunshine and wind, and me.

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