Saturday, February 9, 2013

It Works Like This

One day my mom died in the hospital. She had Medicare and the hospital billed Medicare. Medicare paid their share of the bill. I knew that mom’s Medi-gap policy, which I had found in her house, would take care of the rest.

A few weeks went by and a woman from the hospital’s billing office called me and asked if mom had a Medi-gap policy. I told her, “Yes.”

I got the policy out and gave her the name of the insurance company, the policy number, and the name and phone number of the contact person at the insurance company’s office. She thanked me and hung up.

A few weeks went by and a woman from the hospital’s billing office called me and asked if mom had a Medi-gap policy. I told her “Yes.” I got the policy out, again, and I gave her the name of the insurance company, the policy number, and the name and phone number of the contact person at the insurance company’s office, again. She thanked me and hung up.

A few weeks went by and a woman from the hospital’s billing office called me and asked if mom had a Medi-gap policy. I told her, “No.”

They didn’t call again.

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