Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Contact Us

If you’ve ever tried to contact a corporation through their website (“Contact Us”) or provide feedback about your experience (“Customer Satisfaction Survey”) then surely you know that no one at the corporation gives a damn about what you have to say. Though the website form demands to know your name, email address, and phone number, you will never hear back from these corporations. They probably sell your contact information to a marketing firm and that is the end of it.

I’ve wondered if my communications to big companies are read by anyone. My belief is that these communication channels are entirely one way, from my desktop to a virtual wastebasket. Maybe, maybe, if a website visitor mentioned to them that there may be a bomb hidden in their building, they might be interested in hearing more about it. But probably not.

So, if you’re not happy with your shopping experience, don’t bother with the “Contact Us” form. It’s just there to drain away some of the phone traffic. Nothing will come of it. If you want to be heard, you have to phone the company with your complaint and/or suggestions. You have to interact with a real human being. Tell them you expect a letter that addresses your concerns. But don’t tell them you might not shop there again. You’ll be wasting your breath. They really don’t care.

Walmart, are you listening?

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