Friday, October 18, 2019

The BBR Factor

Supper tonight was “TGI Fridays Pork Baby Back Ribs with Sweet Carolina Sauce” (I’m quoting the label on the box). They were very good, as baby back ribs tend to be. In fact, considering I have frequent bouts of insomnia, and a combination of protein and carbs helps to bring on sleep, I may have to eat baby back ribs more often—maybe every night, just as an experiment. The amino acid tryptophan—found in protein such as rib meat—is what your brain needs to beat insomnia, but tryptophan has a hard time entering the brain because of something called the blood-brain barrier or, as it’s technically called, the BBB. That’s where rib sauce—I mean carbohydrate—comes into the picture. It helps tryptophan get through the BBB.

This opens endless possibilities. Hamburger with pickle and maple syrup. Hot dog with diced onion and jam.  Tuna fish salad with honey instead of mayo. Prime rib smothered in chocolate syrup.

Okay, that last one may have been a stretch. I think I’m onto something here, but I’ll admit it needs work. I hope you sleep well tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...unless they left out the barbecue sauce. Maybe they should advertise it as BBB Salad, R optional (Our option)