Tuesday, February 1, 2022


“At me too someone is looking, of me too
someone is saying,
He is sleeping, he knows nothing,
let him sleep on.”
— Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot

Most people are sleeping. The vast majority of people are sleeping. If you could look down upon a street full of people going about their business, and could truly see them, most of them would be shadows of people. Only a few would look like real people who are really alive.

The people who are shadows are like robots. They think they're conscious, they think they are making their own decisions, but they are not. Their brain is running a program, like a computer runs a program. This program has been put into their heads by television, by movies, by books and magazines, by friends and strangers, by Internet websites, by advertisements and countless things that they encounter every day.

There is something about human brains that most people don't know. Experts know that just before your conscious mind "makes" a decision, your subconscious brain makes that decision and sends it to the conscious mind. That consciousness in your head will feel like it made a decision, but it did not. The subconscious mind made the decision and presented it to your conscious mind in a way that made the conscious mind think that it made the decision. Your decisions are not yours, they are products of your subconscious mind, a part of your brain that might appear to be asleep, since you cannot talk with it. But it is awake, and always computing, and always making you think that you are making decisions.

A few people are awake, but they are a small minority. Those people have spent years practicing certain mental disciplines so they can be awake. But for some few people, just knowing that they are walking around asleep may be useful. From a BBC article:

“In other words, unconscious mechanisms, through the preparation of neural activity, set us up for any action we decide to take. But this all happens before we consciously experience intending to do something. Our unconscious appears to rule all actions we ever take."

and ...

However, the conscious mind does not control our actions. Our actions are almost exclusively controlled by the subconscious mind. This mind is largely ruled by emotions and instinct. Its job is to help us meet our needs and urges: reproduction, food, thirst, safety, intimacy, and many others." 

Link: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20210527-how-unconscious-forces-control-our-actions

Sometimes some of this subconscious information leaks into our consciousness and we call it intuition. The subconscious mind works much faster than the conscious mind. It steps in to pull us out of the way of oncoming danger. We call it reflex, but it was our subconscious mind computing what was going to happen much faster than our conscious mind could have operated. 

If you want to explore this subject, there are many articles on the Internet and many books in bookstores. 

My subconscious mind has decided that I need to go to bed now. So sayonara, goodbye, adieu, until a new day comes.


Anonymous said...

Good morning!

IMO, by intuition we have the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for councious reasoning, and we shall allow our intuition to guide us.

The problem here is that many people are guided by the wrong intuition and they don't use their common sense to react or make their right decisions.

We also are considered conscious of something if we are able to put it into words. Not only can be conscious -as in awake- but we also can be conscious -as in aware-of our thoughts and feelings.

Very interesting blog and I like a lot the way how you put your thoughts and words together.


Anonymous said...


This is so sad but I fear very true -- but I've never read a definition quite like yours.

I can see this is a very deep subject and quite easily the reader can get derailed.

But I know this to be true -- still very, very sad. I'm an optimist so I would like to see this blog rewritten with recommendations for how "not to" fall into this.

Excellent and very deep writing. It really stirred me to wake up!