Monday, February 21, 2022


Life has rules. This is one of them. Parents should explain it to their children.

You may never get caught lying or stealing, but the Universe will know if you’re a liar and a thief. The Universe, God, Karma, Fate, however you think of it, operates by a set of rules. One of the rules is the law of balance: Life gives you back what you give Life. You can steal and not get caught, and then one day you fall in love and that person cheats on you and makes you miserable. You can tell a lie and never get caught, and then one day someone you trust lies to you and causes you misery. Some people say, "What goes around, comes around." I call it Payback. It is Life giving you grief because you gave grief to someone else.

This is the law of balance in the universe. Life rewards you according to the way you live. Everything you say and everything you do is balanced by Payback. You can lie, cheat, and steal, but the Universe will always know and it will always balance your actions with Payback. Fortunately, Payback works just as well when you do good things as when you do bad things. The more you give to Life, the more Life will give to you.

I know some readers will say, "What about reincarnation? If we die and are reborn, does Payback extend into our next lifetime?" My answer is, "Yes, it does." Your bad deeds may haunt you for several lifetimes. Eventually, you will learn what you must learn for your soul to advance. But why not start now? Why live miserable lifetimes if you don't have to? Be good, be decent, in your thoughts and actions starting now.

Suppose you do this. Suppose you make the necessary changes in your life. If it turns out that Payback isn't real and reincarnation doesn't exist, the "worst" that will happen is that you will make yourself into a better and happier person. So be a good person. In the long run, one way or another way, you really can't lose.


Anonymous said...

Good morning!

Wow! I am glad you wrote about this subject, very interesting and it is something that we have to live with all the time.

Not to lie and be honest persons is something that we have been taught since we were kids by our parents, religion and ourselves.

I have learned that "A lie runs until it is overtaken by the truth" and that always happens, we are always caught. We also have something that is called "conscience" given by God to us before we were born and if we do something wrong, our conscience works in the way that tell us what we have done wrong, that allow us to think about it and make us to change and be better persons.

We have a saying in my country that says:" truth doesn't sin but uncomfortable". No matter how the other person feels for a while but always tell the truth.

Great post, I loved it and it taught me a lot, thank you very much for sharing it!


Anonymous said...


Loved the post -- if only everyone in this world would follow these simple truths -- each of our lives would be enhanced many times over.

Great post and reminder.
