Sunday, January 1, 2023

New Year 2023

My reader "TA" left a comment to my previous blog post in which she wrote, "Weird things happen in our lives, miracles exist. Remember that we are in this earth for a reason. Do you know which one is yours?"

I could not agree more. Definitely, weird things do happen in my life. Miracles do exist. I am certainly in this earth for a reason.

The reason we are on earth is to learn lessons that we could not otherwise learn. We have to experience life, and do things, and face consequences, and then we learn a lesson. When we do unto others, others will later do unto us those same lessons, and we will learn how we made them feel. Then, in the future, maybe we will choose to do something different.

It is impossible to learn all our lessons in one lifetime, so we return to Earth. We return many times—hundreds of embodiments. With each lifetime we learn a little more, and our lessons go from primitive to sophisticated. We learn what it feels like to hurt someone when we experience being hurt. We experience physical pain, then we move onward to experience emotional pain and mental anguish. We betray someone, then in another lifetime we experience betrayal, and we learn how it feels. With each life we live, and with each experience, we become better people. We become aware of how our actions affect those around us, how our actions hurt others, and how our actions can comfort others. With each lifetime we grow a little. It's a long process: we live hundreds of embodiments on earth just to nudge us from a primitive soul to a caring human. Eventually we know the Truth and feel the Truth. We evolve.

I knew a woman named Marion Starnes. She headed the Terra Nova Center, a spiritual retreat in North Carolina. She was one of those gifted people who could see the past lives of others. I asked her, "Do first generation souls ever come and talk to you?" Marion replied, "Very rarely. No, first generations are too busy trying to get themselves out of jail." I thought her reply was excellent and cut right to the heart of the issue. "First generations are too busy trying to get themselves out of jail." We are here to learn, and sometimes our lessons are harsh, but only because our actions were harsh. Physics tells us that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. That's how it works for our souls, too. We are always learning and we are always evolving. We are becoming better souls and better humans. 

No doubt some of my readers won't believe what I am saying, and that's okay with me. But if they behaved as though my words are true, then they will end up being better people despite what they believe. You never forget bad things that happen to you. You always remember the wonderful things that happen to you. Eventually, you will learn that your life here on Earth has a purpose.

"Weird things happen in our lives. Miracles exist. We are here in this earth for a reason.  Do you know which one is yours?"

May God bless you and may you have a wonderful year ahead. Just remember to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Bless those who curse you, and pray for those who hurt you. I hope that you have a wonderful New Year!


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year

This is incredible theory and so well written. I will have to think on it for a while before I adopt it. Honestly, it's way above my head.

BUT I'm so thankful for this writing as I had a rough experience with my challenging grandson which led to some harsh feelings. Your words shook me up and settled me back down so I could think clearly. In the end I was able to smile and remain calm which helped solve the issue.

It's hard to stay focused when you feel such strong emotions as hurt and anger. I definitely believe we should all treat others better than we found them -- and your words reminded me of that.

I really enjoyed this blog --along with a theory about our existence is a strong teaching about the ethics of loving our fellow humans.

Best, LL

Anonymous said...


I'm glad that my comment inspired you to write this post.

Life is a school and here and there we always learn something new. Beyond my understanding, someone taught me that our bodies are only shells that cover our spirits, when we pass away our spirits depending of how we were in life, they go to heaven or hell. There are seven levels in heaven and six in hell. You deserve to go to each level according to what you learned and did in this earth. Level one in heaven is the lowest level and the seven is the highest. Level one in hell is the lowest and six is the deepest. Weird!, No? If this is true, in which level do you think you deserve to be?

Life is a box of surprises, sometimes we get the best, others the worst. Some humans can deal with their situations, other don't, but I am sure about something, "God never gives us more of what we can not handle".

Great post to start this year and good lessons to learn and think about from this.