Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Election Fraud

The following account was inspired by a real news story.

I watched an interview with a voter whom the Trump campaign has accused of being dead. She seemed to be a very nice, elderly woman. She admitted she voted and insisted she was not dead. However, a Trump campaign official disputed this and said she wasn't qualified to judge whether or not she was dead. 

"I'm not dead," the woman stated.

The campaign official asked her, "Are you a doctor?"

"No," the woman answered.

"Then what makes you qualified to answer a medical question?" the official continued.

"Medical question?" the woman asked.

"Yes," the official replied. "Determining life or death is a medical question. So, are you a doctor?"

"No," the woman admitted again.

"There you have it," the official said smugly. "Another dead person voting, and she cannot prove definitively that she is not dead. We have only the word of an unqualified person as the sole evidence that she is not dead. Excuse me, now. I have many more dead people that I must complain to the courts about." 

And with that, the campaign official moved on to interview another deceased voter.

I admit to taking lightly this incident. Because that is what this kind of story deserves. All of the Trump campaign's claims of voting irregularities have fallen apart when they got to court and a judge began asking questions. Of course, there could be vote-counting mistakes here and there. People are not machines. People get tired, people make mistakes. However, that kind of mistake is equally likely to happen with a Biden vote as with a Trump vote, so they tend to cancel out in the long run. There has been no evidence of systemic fraud. We will have a new president, unless the present occupant of the White House can find some way to block a legitimate transfer of power.

As this Internet philosopher once famously said (or at least thought): "A loser who cannot accept losing is the biggest loser of all."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is annoying to hear over and over about these elections fraud. I'm wondering why Trump is so obsessed about this, what is behind all this? I even don't know how is going to be Biden management, but I think is time for Trump to start cleaning his desk.
Thank you for your blog, always teaching us something new.