Monday, November 30, 2020

Holiday Food

When my friend's shopping trip reached its conclusion and I received a pick-me-up text, I drove to the mall and picked her up and then decided that, before we went to my home, we would take a walk along the greenway beside the river. The greenway has a paved path. It was late in the day and the air was somewhat cool, so we walked only a mile. Along the way I snapped a photo.

It's not a great photo, but photography was not my mission. I merely wanted to be outdoors and do some walking. We were not the only people who were walking the greenway and enjoying the late autumn air. Winter begins in three weeks, on December 21. The trees will be bare and the air will be colder, and walkers on the greenway will be much scarcer.

We returned to my home and my guest prepared dinner. She put together a great salad with lettuce, tomato, chopped green onions, bacon bits, garlic croutons, dried corn, cranberries, and avocado Caesar dressing. She made rice sauteed in butter and diced onion and seasonings. She sauteed broccoli, carrots, and onion with seasonings, she made deviled eggs, and she cooked a chicken breast in some manner of herbal seasoning. She is spoiling me. Soon I will have to return to Stouffer's and Healthy Choice and such, and I'm not going to like the change.

I snapped another so-so photo in order to document dinner (and to help me fill space in my blog post). This was dinner, except the deviled eggs are not in the picture and the croutons were added to the salad later. It really was a delicious meal, and that's coming from someone who is normally non-judgmental about food. I can eat most anything. I've eaten alligator, and pickled jellyfish, and pickled pigs feet. I'll admit I've never eaten roasted tarantula. There are some lines I refuse to cross.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Picture of the greenway to the river and beautiful place. Your friend did an excellent job with this meal. I hope she will continue surprising you and she can stay