Sunday, November 1, 2020

Countdown: 1 Day


  Just Do It

This day dawns cloudy and gray. A cold rain is falling. The air is 54°F but the rain is colder. Two years of delivering the morning newspaper on a bicycle when I was a young teen—often in rain and sometimes in snow—gives me the knowledge that falling through air makes rain colder. I cannot believe how dark the day is. At 11 AM, one would think it is twilight.

The rain is moderately heavy. A bird seeks refuge under my front window awning. The window is made of 8 small panes mounted in a frame, and he is perched on the frame looking at me. When I turn my head to study him, he becomes disconcerted and flies down to hide in the bush that grows below my window. Perhaps he has a nest in the bush. My nest is made of brick and block and oak. My nest has electricity and WiFi and heat and a/c. Mr. Bird's nest is not so well-equipped. It is made of twigs. But it has plenty of fresh air and, for the moment, it is probably well equipped with running water.

The day passes uneventfully. I accomplished nothing of significance. I worked on-and-off on this blog post. I napped for a while. I ate lunch: Mexican rice (I have a recipe here), plus a mix of baby spinach leaves wilted in a wok combined with chopped onion sauteed in soy sauce. I added red pepper flakes to the spinach. I would like to have added oyster sauce or hoisin sauce, but the bottles in my fridge were well past their expire date. They went onto my phone's shopping list.

A friend called me and we discussed several topics, including the fact that I need to buy a new keyboard and mouse. My friend uses an ergonomic keyboard—it's curved with a built-in palm rest. That's going to be my next keyboard. Typing on my current keyboard is becoming difficult and I've been making an increasing number of typos. Plus my optical mouse has been giving me trouble and I have to "reset" it periodically. To reset it, I pull one of the AA cells out of it. There's an on/off switch on it, and you'd think that simply turning if off for a few seconds would reset it. But no, and I don't know why. It acts like the switch doesn't really turn the mouse off. Maybe it only turns the LED off. That's what uses most of the battery power anyway.

I watched the national news, and suppertime arrived. I ate one of those Devour frozen dinners. It was Cajun-style Alfredo with smoked sausage and white-meat chicken. I admit I'm not picky, but it tasted plenty good to me. I wish they had put a little more food in the box. I finished dinner with an apple.

Tomorrow is election day. I've already voted—by mail. It was so much easier than standing in line for a couple of hours. I have walked out of a polling place because I stood in a long line for 15 minutes and the line didn't move. I salute those voters who have the stamina to stand in line for hours. And I say shame on those officials who force voters to have to do that. 

Factoid: did you know that polling place refers to the building where you vote, and polling station refers to the room where you vote? A polling place may have multiple polling stations. It's a fact!

My neighbor across the street had a "Trump 2020" sign in her front yard for the past few weeks. On Halloween night, the sign disappeared. Do the spirits dislike Trump? Draw your own conclusions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not always we are in the mood to do things, but we always accomplish something. It looks that this weather is affecting us very bad, but is part of.
Great blog as always!
Keep going VW