Monday, November 23, 2020

Thanksgiving Day Minus Three

A breezy morning arrived today, with hordes of brown leaves dancing down the street. Those are the leaves that made it past the gutters, which seem to be a magnet for dead leaves. The trees are half naked now, their last leaves awaiting that just-right gust of cold, autumn breeze to launch them onto the wind.

Today will be sunny. This afternoon the high temperature will peak at 59°F. Tonight's low will drop to 33°. That's what the weather prognosticators say. The days will be sunny until Thanksgiving. That day, and the night before, have a good chance of being wet.

For my own feast, I bought a three pound package of Black Forest cooked, sliced, smoked ham. Plus a few sweet potatoes with which to make some manner of casserole. Green beans, sliced carrots, and black-eyed peas with peppers and onion will round out the show.

I'm going to the Home Depot store later to pick up some odds and ends. One thing I want to buy is a box of fire logs. When the chill of evening comes calling, I'll throw a fire log into the fireplace, strike a match to it, and when the log gets burning good I'll turn down the room lamp and watch the flickering light and shadow that the flames cast over the room.

Before I go out, I'll add hot chocolate to the grocery list. Some manner of boozy, Thanksgiving cocktail would hit the spot; like a sangria or a margarita, or just a generous portion of brandy in a rocks glass (because I don't own a snifter and never will), but I swore off the sauce back in August when I realized I was over-indulging too often. 

For now, I'm sitting at my computer and waiting for a roofer to arrive. My house has a leak in the roof and the repair procedure goes like this:

  1. Call the roofer.
  2. Roofer comes and works on the roof.
  3. Pay the roofer.
  4. Rain comes and the roof leaks.
  5. Go to Step 1.

This is apparently an endless loop. The same loop applies when working on 74-year-old plumbing. If you're not careful, this same endless loop can also apply to medical issues.

  1. Me: I have a new medical symptom.
  2. Doc: Take these pills.
  3. Me: The pills worked but now I have another new symptom.
  4. Doctor: Take these other pills.
  5. Go to Step 1.

These endless loops are prone to arise whenever spending money is involved. I know; I've been on this merry-go-round more than once.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving, readers. If possible, be sure to ingest too many calories. It's what Thanksgiving is all about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog! It looks that you are planning to have a good Thanksgiving too, good for you!
Just watch your cholesterol, triglycerides and sugar level and no regrets.