Friday, January 8, 2021


Today is Friday, January 8, 2021, one day after the failed coup attempt by Trump worshipers/anarchists.

Today's weather forecast looks like this:

I can see that today is not going to be a good day for walking, but tomorrow is looking good. Today is looking good for other reasons, but not for walking. Today looks good for staying inside and having a fire in the fireplace, and doing some writing, and possibly doing some housecleaning or even washing clothes, which requires multiple trips to the cellar where the washer and dryer are located. The staircase is spiral, and there is no handrail, so care is required. Every time I wash my clothes, I wonder if this will be the time I end up at the bottom of the stairwell with broken bones. But I cross my fingers and journey to the cellar.

I got up at 3:30am today. I watched some of the national news and I've concluded that those people who invaded the Capitol are morons. In fact, calling them morons is an insult to morons. They made no attempt to cover their faces, and one man was wearing his company employee badge (his boss saw the photo and fired him). 

What were their plans if they got into the Capitol? The obvious answer is that they had no plans. They got into the Capitol and trashed some offices, carried away some items, committed some minor vandalism, but had no plans on what else to do. It reminds me of the dog that chased a car and then the car stopped. The dog caught the car but what could he do with it? Nothing. Dogs don't think that far ahead.

Those D.C. rioters had plenty of time to make plans, but they didn't think any farther ahead than the car-chasing dog. But I should add, it may be that they hadn't planned to invade the Capitol until Trump egged them on to do it when he attended his rally. And he did egg them on. He even told the crowd he'd walk down the street to the Capitol with them. The crowd got very excited, but of course Trump didn't walk to the Capitol. He went back inside the White House and watched the riot on television.

Now people are talking about impeachment and the 25th amendment, but with 12 days left in the Trump administration, I think that kind of talk is pointless. Five people are dead including a Capitol Police officer, and I think even Donald Trump suddenly understands that when you play with fire, someone can get burned.


Anonymous said...

Greetings and Happy Friday

I am looking forward to the snow and will enjoy it so much. It's a time when my energy increases and I can get so much done -- even the cake!

Years ago I too worried about ending up at the bottom of the stairs with no handrails -- I invested in myself and put a very comfortable stacker washer unit in my tiny kitchen. In spite of the fact that I can hardly move around -- I pleasantly and safely attend to my laundry daily. (well almost)....... Based on so many friends stories of falling -- I would have put the unit in the living room if I had too --

There are many ways to skin a cat --- and yes, I did give up some quality space to get it there -- not to mention the money ---- but I invested in me -- and therefore I felt I was worth it after so many years of helping others.

I know you'll continue to be safe -- I have actually ended up at the bottom of those stairs several times -- the last ending in serious surgery -- aren't I glad I waited !!

I see snowflakes --- have a marvelous day !!


Anonymous said...

TGIF. This has been a long week even when I have kept busy doing a lot of things. I like to start the year thinking possitive because this will be a good year for me. I can not wait to see the snow again, it is beautiful but been inside is better. Good luck with your laundry, Mr. VW and be careful with your steps.
Have a nice weekend!