Wednesday, January 6, 2021

In God We Trust

In American politics, some Republicans have charged, without evidence, that the recent presidential election was fraudulent. They say votes were miscounted or not counted. That is an assertion that conceivably could be proven true (assuming it is really true), although no proof has been found at this point in time.

Democrats have asserted the opposite. They say no fraud was committed. That is an assertion than cannot be proven. It is a well-known fact that, in general, you cannot prove a negative.

For example, consider the statement, "Black swans exist." That statement can be proven simply by showing the world a black swan.

Now consider the statement, "Black swans do not exist." That statement cannot be proven because in order to do so, we would have to prove that we have examined every swan in the world and none were black. But how can we prove we have examined every swan in the world? Maybe a black swan was hiding behind a bush. There is no way to prove we have examined all swans, therefore there is no way to prove that no swans are black.

Likewise, there is no way to prove we have counted every vote. We believe we have, and we have found no evidence to the contrary, but lack of evidence of something is not proof that something doesn't exist. Lack of evidence of black swans is not proof that black swans do not exist. (And in fact, black swans do exist!)

There is no way to prove that this election, or any election, was fair and honest. Regardless of how open and accessible the election was, we cannot prove any election was totally without fraud. We cannot prove a negative.

Republicans are playing a game with us. They want proof the election was not dishonest. They demand proof of a negative, proof that something does not exist, proof that something did not happen. I cannot prove election fraud does not exist any more than you can prove that Sasquatch does not exist. We may be able to prove fraud happened, but we can never prove that it did not happen.

In God We Trust is the official motto of the United States of America. There are times when we have to rely on trust, because trust is all we will have. Accusations of election fraud have been thrown out of court more than 50 times. Judges know that proving fraud happened, and not proving it did not happen, are not the same thing. Not even close.


Anonymous said...


Excellent examples and explanations -- I love the vision of the Black Swan and thankfully it remains in my mind after reading and finishing this post. I have no doubt fraud was rampant but I agree there's no way to prove it --even if others come forward and tell things they saw such as votes being destroyed.

This post opened my eyes to the fact that voter fraud has probably been in existence from day one.

But now I want to hear more stories of the beautiful Black Swan -- I remember seeing swans in Hawaii so your post left me with a smile on my face.

Great post


Anonymous said...

Politics are like drog dealers, they do whatever is necessary to get what they want but they dont realize how damage they cause to the people because they forgot what means this motto: "In God we Trust". The goverment thought adding God in the motto helped deter from the idea of god-less communism from the Soviets. That is why it was created in 1956, but I dont think it really has helped a lot, specially to the last candidates. I wonder if the motto 'In God we Trust" is worthy to keep it. Dirty politics exist everywhere and nobody will stop them.
But VW this is another lesson that makes me think about the future of my nation.
Thank you