Saturday, January 9, 2021

I Don't Get It

I would like to ask one of those Capitol rioters a few questions, starting with, "What do you want?"

"What do you want that you cannot get? Is the government keeping you from being happy? How is it doing that?"

Because, although I can see that these people are very upset, I don't know what upsets them. 

The Black Lives Matter people I totally understand. They don't want to get shot by police. That's a reasonable request, and the police and the BLM people should be able to work out some kind of understanding. 

But the people who looted the Capitol look well-fed. They have clothes. Some drove to D.C. in their own cars, and some flew long distances to get to D.C., so they have money. Why are they so unhappy? Why are they so unhappy that they are willing to commit serious crimes against America? Why are they so unhappy that they are willing to go to prison? Because some of them definitely will go to prison.

I know they think, without any evidence, that the election was stolen by Biden. If so, if Biden and his people were able to steal a national election without leaving behind any evidence, even in districts that were being run by the opposition, then I'm quite impressed. If Biden and his people are smart enough and clever enough to steal a closely-watched national election, with observers from both parties at every polling station, then I think he deserves to be president!

But of course, he didn't steal the election. People voted, and the results came in, and Trump lost. Every four years since the founding of the nation, someone has lost a presidential election.

Some of these Trump "supporters" should be writing novels, because they are great at spinning conspiracy theories. And they believe those theories, without an ounce of evidence.

But I want to get back to my original question: What do they want? Who or what is hurting these people so much that they want to overthrow the government? Everyone has their own gripes about the way the country is run, but most people are not so unhappy that they prefer prison or death to living within the laws of this democracy.

And finally, I'd like to ask some of those rioters who are so unhappy, have you called your Congressman? Have you talked with his office staff? Have you written to your Senator? Did he respond? Have you attended any of the meet-your-Congressman meetings that they hold periodically? In other words, have you tried working within the system before you decided to throw it away—along with your life?

Because a lot of angry people are doing a lot of talking, but I still don't understand why they're angry. I don't understand what they want that they don't have and cannot obtain. Maybe some of them could put together a list and post it online and then the rest of us can read it and think about it. And then we'll say one of two things. We'll say, "Now I understand." Or, more likely, we'll say, "Those mo-fo's are crazy!"


Anonymous said...

They are blind and what they want is for Trump to continue as President. With his talking, arrogance, pride and avarice has convenced many of his followers that he is the best and that is why they are angry, they can not accept that he was defetead. I wish the best for this country that "In God we Trust".
Great post and I wish that more people will read it.

gatorontheday said...

You know VW, I love ya like a Brother. Maybe a Brother that at times appears to be such that rides the "short bus" to school at time, which amazes me in regards to that statement because I know how damn smart you are.

I read your blog religiously as they say, though perhaps not checking several times a day to see if you've put out the wisdom you share, but I do check and read it.

One of the things that "gets me is your speaking to "the steal" and how crazy it is that anyone would say that happened. First of all, the representation that "the courts" ruled against that which was brought by President Trump or others in regards to the election........ well, none of the courts actually heard the evidence, they ruled against the motion. period. No representation of what those bringing the cases, brought.

Another spur under my saddle of your representations is this: You seem to represent that the "Invasion, Insurrection of the Capital was the "Trump supporters or the MAGA persons."

If you have continued to follow that which has come out in the public view is that the majority of those who entered the Capital were in fact one of the following as to the majority of those who did such: "Antifa, persons associated with BLM and yes, a few persons associated with those supporting President Trump." The Black Man who was standing next to the 14 year Air Force Veteran when she was shot, who was interviewed on CNN and Good Morning America, was a few days ago arrested. And of course, as has been prevalent in cases happening in Washigton State and Oregon, was released with no bail. LOL, he had been arrested on a Federal Warrant for rioting many months ago, did not follow the restrictions of his bail and ended up in D.C.

Hey Brother, as I said, I love ya and know that you are one smart Man. When you cannot connect the dots of three States during the election being shutdown at the same time and then seeing the scale of votes going up at the same time and more or less the same amounts. I just don't know what to think.