Sunday, February 21, 2021


I am thankful I was born in America. I could have been born to a poor family in a Central American country like Nicaragua, Honduras, or El Salvador. Those are very poor countries, and the people born there were born under an unlucky star. They didn't do something bad to be born there, any more than a random family in the Congo without medical or educational facilities, often without food and clean water, did something to deserve it. 

In Africa, people die from starvation. People die from diseases that, in the West, would be cured with antibiotics. People in Central America are fleeing conditions that are intolerable. To stay would mean death, or worse, and coming to America seems their only option. I'm very lucky to be here, and to have a right to be here. I didn't earn it. I didn't do anything special to get it. I was born in a country, at a time in history, where food and water and housing were available to anyone willing to work 40 hours a week. Many people in this world were not so fortunate. I was fortunate and I know it.

Those Americans who want to keep out immigrants were also fortunate to be born here, and did nothing to earn the right to be here. It was luck, like winning a lottery. They are Americans by birth and have many blessings they did not earn and do not appreciate. Most immigrants, whether legal or illegal, are honest and hard workers. 

Those Americans who want to deny desperate people the chance to have a life in America will one day learn a lesson. They will learn how it feels to be denied opportunity simply because of someone else's intolerance. They will learn how it feels to be denied freedom, a fair shake, a fighting chance at having a decent tomorrow. They will learn that lesson because the Universe must balance. A famous proverb states it this way: "What goes around, comes around."

I ask intolerant Americans who act hatefully toward immigrants, are you also atheists? Do you believe that turning your back on your brothers and sisters will be okay with the Infinite Spirit? Do you believe that you will never have to explain your actions? If you do, you are wrong. There will come a day of reckoning. People in need are also God's children. Remember the words of St. Francis of Assisi: "For it is in giving that we receive." 

Or choose not to believe me. Continue down the road you're on. I've made my choice. Now you make yours.


Anonymous said...

Good points in your post. I believe people would rather remain in the lands they were brought up in --but I know it can't be like that due to all kinds of issues --- immigrants indeed have some horrible conditions to live in and raise their families. They're dreams are no different than ours-- to live, work, raise families and provide all they can for one another. I have always been shocked about things around the world and often wondered "how could this happen" --but we know it does.

I think like the early peoples coming to America --immigrants have a lot to offer in the way of new ideas, skills and traditions. America is a big place with lots of land and room for everyone -- to make this world a better place --we must all band together and help one another. It's just the right thing to do -- it would help if we had people in charge smart enough to help others and make room!

Didn't Helen Reddy sing "there's room for everyone" ---
But I prefer the world to have peace everywhere so people don't have to uproot their families and start all over. I surely would not want too.

Even Jesus moved his people when the lands became intolerable to remain.


Anonymous said...

Buenos dias! "Immigrants" this is a strong topic that many people don't like to hear about. I was born in a poor country too but I have been blessed because at least I have shelter, food and cloths. People always look for opportunities to improve specially if they need to feed their families. America is a country of opportunities that is why I truly believe that God that blessed this land and made it the strongest in the world, to take care of people and defents us. I have had the opportunity to be there and in a short period of time I grew as professional and person, of course I had to work very hard but I made it. Immigrants will have the same opportunity but before theY decide to immigrate, they need to know what are there expectations.
Great blog, Mr. VW and I am glad that you grew up in this blessed country.