Saturday, February 20, 2021


In my previous blog post (Facing Reality) I talked about how not facing reality has killed many people in Texas. But Texas is far from alone when it comes to not facing reality.

There is a kind of person (I think the current terminology for them is "Qcumbers") who are widely known to be far-out conspiracy believers. When I first heard of the crap being spouted by their leadership, collectively known as Qanonsense, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Surely these people don't really believe that Democrat politicians are Satanist pedophiles operating child sex rings in the basements of D.C. pizza restaurants? Plenty of people in this country are half brain dead, but no one is dumb enough to believe in that kind of nonsense. Satanist pedophiles? Child sex rings? Come on, people. I was sure someone was yanking my leg really hard.

But as time went by, I discovered this Qanonsense was more than a very bad joke. Some people really believe it. And those people are the Qcumbers. A bunch of Qcumbers recently decided it was their job to overthrow the U.S. government. They tried their best to do it, but the joke was on them. It turned out all the Qanonsense was just made-up bullshit. Baloney. Hogwash. Bunk. Rubbish. Poppycock. As all people with a functioning brain already knew from the get-go.

Long ago, I read about a man who claimed he had contact with space aliens. Or—a space alien, to be precise. He claimed a flying saucer landed in his backyard and an alien got out of it and approached him while carrying a plate of hotcakes. The alien gave the plate of hotcakes to the man and then returned to his saucer and away they went. The man was left befuddled, but with a nice, warm plate of hotcakes.

Sure, that happened.

You cannot make up a story so crazy that a lot of people won't believe it. Because they will. Believe it.

I think these Qcumbers have watched too many sci-fi movies and too many TV shows that depict a lot of impossible stuff. They have been brainwashed to believe anything is possible. We really do live in an amazing world but folks, anything is not possible. Not yet, and likely not ever. 

The solution to defective thinking is to educate people, beginning in childhood. But that concept has gone out the window. I have friends who teach school, and according to what they tell me, schools are basically daycare for the kids of people who have jobs. Many kids don't even try to learn, and their disruptive behavior prevents other kids from learning. The education system is failing, and Qanonsense and similar ilk is the result. The Qcumbers thought they were the saviors of democracy, when in reality they were more like the gunk that gets trapped in your car's oil filter. They're being held in jails now on minor charges like trespassing, but we all know that more serious charges, like sedition and conspiracy, are even now coming their way.

People. Wake up. Think. Don't sit at your computer and let yourself be radicalized. Before you act, stop and ask yourself, "Am I about to do something incredibly stupid that could send me to prison for years?"

Then, turn off your computer and go outside and take a walk around a nearby park. Sit on a park bench and take slow, deep breaths and count to one hundred. Then go home and throw your computer out the window, buy a new computer, and never again visit places on the Web that try to fill your head with rubbish. There's a world out there with lots of cool places to visit and neat things to do. Love your fellow humans and never again let anyone fill your head with hate. You can do it if you try.


Anonymous said...


I learn something new and interesting from your postings every time I read one. I have never heard of Qcumbers-- and after having lost all interest and trust in the reports of newscasters and journalists -- I don't watch the news.

I have to agree with you that it would seem impossible for "all" of a particular party to be in on something some heinous, but I do believe it's possible for a few to be in it together. Whatever "it" is -- meaning lots of bad schemes.

However, forgive my fogginess-- I could not determine from your writing if you believe a spaceship actually delivered the hotcakes?

Thank you for keeping us up to date on news happenings around the country !!

You're my "new" news !! Great post.


Anonymous said...

I am glad that with your knowledge you will keep us inform of some things that we are not able to see or understand and I personally appreciate it. I hope that you keep learning, in that way you will teach us.
Great job!