Tuesday, October 5, 2021


When I was a child, and a teenager, and even when I was a young man, I respected the people who held high offices like U.S. Congressmen and Senators and the American presidents. They seemed statesmanlike, for the most part. They debated issues of national importance: Civil Rights, Racial Integration, the Cold War, the Vietnam War, the Space Race, the War on Poverty, the Feminist movement. 

But in the recent past—and I'm not saying that it began with Donald Trump's election, but it seems connected somehow, so maybe Trump merely exploited it—the Republican Party seems to me to have gone off the rails. Many Republicans have become anti-science, some of them are promoting fascism (without using the word, of course), some are praising the rabble that attempted an insurrection at the nation's Capitol, some have adopted anti-democratic views, and many if not most have become "professional politicians" who crave the power and the perks and the big outside money that comes with holding a high office. It's a sad state of affairs.

I'm not saying Democrats are angels. Both parties have their problems. But Republicans are the most blatant about their anti-democratic positions. I feel a little bit like the boy in the story "The Emperor's New Clothes." But in my version of the story, many can see what is happening, but too many others agree that his new clothes are wonderful. I think we live in a dangerous time for democracy and our democratic institutions.

Time will tell how America gets through these troubles. People have to open their eyes; they have to learn about what is happening in places of power. They can't believe everything they hear and read, nor push it aside as "fake news." People have to be smart now. There was a time when we used to be smart. Maybe those days are behind us. It is possible that America's electorate is no longer capable of being rational, judicious, and well-informed. Sometimes I feel like I'm living in the 2006 film Idiocracy

And maybe I am. Maybe we all are.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. VW. When I read this post, I felt sad and angry at the same time because I wish the situation in your country, mine and others could be different, but unfortunately that is not the reality. Governments suck and this is going to be worst and I agree with you,I feel like I live in a idiocrazy world. Great post

Anonymous said...


I agree and disagree with your post --- it seems that every new president is worse than the last. I truly feel there should be terms set on all levels of government -- if you talk with an elderly person they are always saying bad things about the presidents in office during their life.

There surely seems to be a better way this country can be governed as no one seems to be content on how it operates. Myself included --

I hate talking politics --- it can be like a game of spades --- the next card can beat the card before. One report can show fallacies in prior reports -- who do you believe except what you feel in your own household. (better or worse life).

I'm not a fan of this subject --- too many black holes to fall in ---

Thanks for recapping the situation of today.
