Saturday, October 2, 2021


I just watched a video report about another television preacher who has died of Covid-19. He was shown talking to his congregation, telling them not to fear Covid. 

"Covid is out there," he said, "but so is God." The implication was that God will protect him and his congregation. Don't worry about Covid. Just trust in God. But not long afterward, he—the preacher—fell ill and died of Covid.

Yes, God is out there. But God is not going to come down to Earth in a swirl of clouds and rainbows and tap you on your head to protect you. He doesn't have to do that. He has already sent us the protection we need. It's called a Covid vaccine. 

Where do you think vaccines come from? They come from God's mind through human minds as life-saving gifts to all of us.

The Covid vaccine is God's gift to you and I. Don't throw his gift away! Get the shot and thank God for it.

Maybe this short anecdote will help you remember to get your shot:

There's a flood, boat comes by, "Get in, we'll save you." Man says, "God will save me." Water at second floor, boat comes by, "Get in, we'll save you." Man says, "God will save me." Water level at rooftop, boat comes by, "Get in, we'll save you." Man says, "God will save me." Man drowns, asks God, "Why didn't you save me?" God says "I sent three boats, what else do you want?"

We have Pfizer, we have Moderna, we have Johnson and Johnson. When the unvaxxed person dies of Covid and, standing before his Maker, asks "Why didn't you save me?", I think God will answer, "I sent three vaccines. What else do you want?"


Anonymous said...

Buenos días!" Help me and I will help you"; as you said, He is giving us the solutions but it looks that many times we like to be part of the problem. What else does the world has to show us to see what the problem is here? This Covid has not only contagious one city, or country is spread in the whole world and there so many people that still don't believe it. What is wrong with this picture? God has given us the tools to fight it, why not to take advantage of this, if it is something that will make us to feel better and also to save lives. He gave us life and He is the only one that can take it back, don't allow evil to convence you to do the opposite. God will be very dissapointed.
Excellent post, Mr. VW and I hope your message will convence people to make the right decision.

Anonymous said...


When I read the first line I remembered the man on the rooftop -- then read it further down -- like yourself I have thought many times why people don't realize how many vaccines have helped eradicate diseases throughout our history.

Many of us take the flu shot without batting an eye and never think of government takeover or mind control.

Or vitamins, antibiotics, pain meds, and many other such meds -- we even give them to our kids.

Great post -- great points.