Friday, October 22, 2021

Not You

I have a friend who was (maybe still is) a consulting engineer. He designs specialized hardware and software for industry. He has had plenty of work in his life.

He once recounted a moment that occurred early in his consulting career. He was tasked with solving a problem for a large corporation. He drove to the company's headquarters to meet with their management, and he saw a parking lot filled with thousands of cars. "There are hundreds of engineers working here," he thought. "How can I, just one person, solve a problem that hundreds of other engineers have failed to solve?"

But he entered the building and met the managers and the engineers, and he studied their problem and he devised a solution for them. He told me that he learned a lesson from that early job. "No matter how many employees a company has, all of those employees working together are only as smart as the smartest person among them."

So if you're facing a problem that no one can solve, that doesn't mean you can't solve it. You just have to be a little smarter, know a little more, think a little deeper, try a little harder, than others have done before you. You can solve a problem that hundreds, maybe thousands, have failed to solve. Never be intimidated by the failure of others. They're not you.

That is worth remembering.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Love your advise on your blog -- thanks for making my day with it. It gives pause for much deeper analyzing of ones issues and hope for solutions to them.

We tend to think that everything that has ever been needed has already been invented ---

It makes me think of the woman's bra -- you would think it would be easy to find a size that fits --but it's the most difficult thing ever and quite expensive. Through the years it's gotten harder, not easier. I've been thinking of learning to make my own -- and I hear from other woman the same problem. You say how can that be -- bras are made all over the world -- trust me the problem is monumental.

Thank you for such a wonderful eye opener and story as well.
