Saturday, January 29, 2022


As I type these words, a nor'easter is crawling its way up the east coast of the USA. Boston is forecast to get 24 inches of snow with hurricane-force winds. That would put a chill in your britches! Down in central Virginia where I call home, it's snowing now, but we're not forecast to get hit with a lot of snow. says my small city has a 90% chance of getting 1 to 3 inches of snow tonight with a 50% chance of snow in the morning, then the weather will turn sunny and breezy. The high temp tomorrow is predicted to be 33°F (that's half a degree above freezing for those who speak Celcius).

As long as the electricity stays on I'll be okay. If the power goes off, the only person I know with a working fireplace plus all-important firewood is my pal Butch who lives about six houses from me. He's recovering from Covid so I'd prefer to not be around him for a few more days, but sh*t happens and you have to go with the flow. He caught Covid from his daughter, who caught it from her husband. I have a friend in Roanoke who also has Covid, and she caught it from her daughter, who also gave it to her son (her daughter's son). I'm vaccinated and boosted so if I get the virus, I hope it won't be too hard on me.

Of course, I have a working wood stove insert that is adjoined with the fireplace in my house. But to heat the house you need lots of wood and you also need electricity to circulate air through the insert. So if the electricity goes off, I'll either walk to Butch's house and roll the dice with Covid or I'll look for a hotel room in some area that has electric power that is still coming over the wires.

I'm sleepy and I'm going to call it a day. Or a night. Or something. Wherever you are, dear reader, I hope your electric power stays on and you stay warm. Assuming it's cold where you live. For all I know you live in Straya and you're sweating because it's mid-summer there. If so, just turn on the aircon and make an avo on toast to go with your fizzy drink, and raise your glass. "Cheers!"


Anonymous said...


I am glad that you did not have a lot of snow and power is still on. We were out of power twice yesterday and very windy, too.

Sorry to hear about your friends and I hope they will recover soon. Covid is a b..., even when you have been vaccinated and had your booster shots, you still can get it. I carry my hand gel all the time and wear my mask everywhere I go, but who knows? Is better to stay at home and be safe.

Take care Mr. VW and have a nice weekend. Great blog!

Anonymous said...


Good advise to have a plan B for power outages. I hope your friend(s) have recovered from Covid --my take on the vaccine and booster is they keep your symptoms to a minimum. But at even less it's still hard on people. I can surely see why people die without the immunizations.

I opt for the Hotel with room service !! This plan ticks so many boxes: 1) warmth and safety 2) TV 3) Room service 4) Mini vacation 5) NO shoveling