Sunday, January 16, 2022


It's Sunday morning. It was dark when I sat at my PC an hour ago, but the sky is brightening now. The temperature is 21°F (feels like 11°F) and a winter storm is knocking on our doors, just hours away.

This is Nuria's last week with me. She is flying home to Costa Rica next Saturday. I'll miss her, and she'll miss me, but that's how it has to be for now. We're trying to change that, but the U.S. Customs and Immigration Service works in mysterious ways. Or rather, it works like any large bureaucracy. 

Here's a Song of the Day for you. This song is from 1983, and it's a good song. I don't know why the singer didn't have more hits.

The song of the day is 1983's Let The Music Play from the album Let The Music Play by singer-songwriter Shannon (Brenda Shannon Greene).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! Very cold weather and I think a hot chocolate will help a lot. We still have to deal with it for a while.
I am so sorry that Nuria has to go back to her country, I'm sure that you are going to miss her but as I have told you before, she will be back.

I like a lot the song of the day, Shannon is a talent singer.

I hope you have a nice Sunday, keep warm and safe.