Fort Clifton: that’s where I spent this November afternoon. The temperature was perfect – upper sixties – and the trees are cloaked in their autumn colors. I wanted to take photos, walk down to the river, take more photos. So I did, I walked to the river’s edge and I met two very nice people. Mike and Stacy were there with their dog Ruby. There is an overlook at the river – a platform that juts out over the river just a bit. There’s a bench on it, and I assume it’s also used by birders –
those people with binoculars who used to be called bird-watchers. It is very peaceful, very quiet. Occasionally a fisherman came motoring by, and there was some kind of great bird at the very top of a tall tree watching us visitors to his domain.
Ruby was initially suspicious of my camera, looking at me and cocking her head every time she heard the lens motor whirring, not quite sure what to make of it. Soon enough she decided whatever it was, it was harmless, and she became friendly and playful.
I wanted to take a photo of Mike and Stacy with Ruby, but Ruby wanted to look everywhere but at the camera. I feel for those people whose jobs involve taking photos of babies and small children; what patience they must have. I posted more photos in an online album. Maybe one day I’ll run into Mike and Stacy again. I like meeting nice people. I like being reminded that there are so many decent people in the world. Watching the nightly news can make one forget that.
Yeah, and peddling whiskey to Pilgrims as well. But you are correct, there are a lot of really nice peeps out there in the world. More than the other kind by far; the other kind get all the press tho'. Next time you see them, tell Ruby I said "Woof!" She'll know what I mean. Cheers!
- CyberDave
Beautiful pictures!
Sorry but that doggie doesn't look friendly. Bet it would turn on you in a minute. Give me a cut cat anyday!
mean cute cat This adds to # of people blogging anyway! bh
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