Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednesday Morning

I awaken and lay in bed a long time. The room is cool; I haven’t turned on the central heat yet. The nights now drop into the 30s or 40s. It’s dark, too. I roll over and look at the clock: 6:52 AM. I drift back to sleep.

I awaken again. There is daylight now. It’s cold and cloudy; it might rain. More likely it will rain tonight. It will likely rain tomorrow, too.

Finally I get out of bed and look at the clock: 8:05 AM. I go to the kitchen and take my morning meds and debate turning on the heat. The thermometer on the the hall thermostat shows it’s 66° inside the house. I put on my warmup suit and sit at the computer. I have a little space heater beside me that has run full time for the past week. It’s small, six inches square and eight inches tall, but it’s enough to keep the house from getting uncomfortably cold. Though the house is 66°, I’m comfortable, which surprises me. According to the NWS, it’s 45° outside. The forecast is for a high today of 55°.

I remember it’s Wednesday, which is garbage pickup day, and I make a mental note to take out the kitchen garbage. I check my email and do some writing. I look at APOD, the Astronomy Picture of DSCF0712the Day (there’s a permanent link to it from this blog). I go to the kitchen and prepare a quick breakfast: scrambled eggs and sausage crumbles, which I season with salt, pepper, and cayenne pepper. Cayenne pepper is supposed to be healthy but that’s a bonus; I use it because I like it. I eat, dress, brush my teeth, and get in my car to drive to Walmart. It’s 9:30 AM. I have forgotten to take out the garbage.

I buy food items plus a case of 4-hour fireplace logs (cleaner burning than “real wood” it says on the box). I leave Walmart and drive to Martin’s to buy a couple more food items. I leave Martin’s and drive back home. I notice the gutters along the streets are filling up with brown leaves, as are many yards and sidewalks. I get home at 10:45 and check the temperature in the house: it’s 65°. I put away the food and remember to take out the kitchen garbage. I clean out the wood stove insert in the fireplace and place a 4-hour log in it and light it up.

By now it’s 11 AM. Usually I eat lunch after the noon hour, but DSCF0713today I eat early. I have a small garden salad with a side of tuna salad in the fridge.

I take the salad to the living room where I can sit and watch the news while I eat. The 2010 election day is over but the talking heads on TV are already talking about the 2012 elections.

By the time I finish eating my salad, the little Pine Mountain 4 hour fireplace log is going pretty good, so I take out my camera and shoot a small low-res video.

I write my blog, and I edit the video to remove the sound (fans in the stove blowing out heated air) and then I upload the video to Youtube so I can embed it in my blog. That was my Wednesday morning. How was yours?

1 comment:

CyberDave said...

Just what I needed in the Man Cave, a nice toasty fire! Thanks, Virtual Wayne!