Friday, December 10, 2010

Grace Potter

I wanted to post a video of Grace Potter and the Nocturnals, but while searching Youtube I found this video from 2007: some great musicians playing Neil Young’s Cortez the Killer. This is an awesome performance! Musicians include Grace Potter, vocals and keyboard; Joe Satriani, guitar; Willy Waldman, trumpet. (And if you like food, be sure not to skip the video at the bottom of this post.)

Cooking with Grace Potter!

How many recording artists record cooking videos? (For HD click the link and select 720p and full-screen.)

Grace Potter makes an Apple, Pepper Jelly, Cheddar Grilled Cheese Sandwich. It really does look good … though I’m not sure about adding white truffle oil. Isn’t a grilled cheese supposed to be a cheap sandwich?

Part 2:
Grace makes a Hot Habanero Mexican Delight. It looks scary hot!


CyberDave said...

Truffle oil is the oil drilled in France, in shale bearing the fossilized remains of the giant prehistoric truffle... a giant carnivorous fungus that is reputed to be the extintifier of the dinosaurs. It has a trufflicious aroma and is great with vinegar. Or so they say....

VirtualWayne said...

LOL! Very witty! You should start your own blog and name it something like, oh, let's see, how about: