Monday, December 27, 2010

Wasted Day

Oh, it’s been a wasted day. What did I accomplish? Nothing. Almost nothing. I did write a couple of pages which I might, or might not, publish to my blog. I have written many pages that I later decided weren’t up to my normal sub-par standard of writing and so at some point I just deleted them. Maybe I’ll delete the ones I wrote today.

I got up at 7 AM or so. I got on the ‘puter and IM’ed with my main peep CyberDave in Roanoke. Then ate breakfast. Surfed the web some more. Took a nap on the sofa. Ate lunch: a couple of mini-pizza sandwiches. (To make a pizza sandwich just take two pizzas and press them together face-to-face and heat ‘em to melt the cheese. Of course, if you use regular size pizzas you’ll have one flippin’ huge sandwich, so I make my pizzas on sandwich thins then moosh them together and nuke ‘em for a half minute.)

I watched some TV and did some reflecting and spent a lot of time writing the new blog pages that you aren’t reading right now. There’s still a lot of snow on the ground from the dome failure the city experienced on Christmas Day. “What’s a dome failure?” you ask.

It’s a long story. A few years ago I couldn’t pay my property taxes, so I went to city hall and told them, “I’m a pretty fair engineer, instead of giving you money can I make something for the city?” I offered several items I thought they might like to have: a food-replicator for the meals-on-wheels vans; a warp-drive in case the city ever built its own spaceport; a force-field generator that could create an invisible dome over the city to keep out bad weather. They liked that last one, so I built it. The city installed it deep below the municipal building in an old atomic weapon shelter behind thick blast doors. It’s been working great ever since. Initially we had an issue with birds; they kept flying into the dome and knocking themselves out, but fine-tuning the force-field resolved that issue. And as for the tornadoes that hit the city – that was a whole other issue; I asked the city to pay for an anti-tornado plug-in and they refused, so I didn’t build it. Other than that the dome has been glitch-free. But it went off-line on Christmas Day (I’m guessing City Maintenance forgot to install a fresh battery) and as a result the city got a lot of snow dumped on it. I refuse to accept responsibility. The warranty on that dome generator has expired.

Think I’ll go cook some stir-fry. Wonder what’s on toob tonight?

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