Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Royals

The news media are all agog over the Prince William and Kate Middleton engagement, as if it is the most important thing on the minds of all Americans. But who cares, really? I’ve never had one person express to me an interest in the British royal family. I’ve never sat at a bar and had a bar patron say to me, “How about that royal family!” But the cable news won’t let go of it.

The news was on today and the announcer said breathlessly that William and Kate plan to live “normal” lives without servants. What?! No servants? Is that possible? Then they revealed that Prince Charles (William’s father) has 149 servants, including maids, butlers, chauffeurs, and chefs. He has a valet to put butter on his toast. I’m not making this up. He has a valet to put toothpaste on his toothbrush. (“I wanted to brush my teeth but my valet had the day off.”)

This just begs for some kind of comedy skit: “Jeeves, come quickly, I need to pee.” I mean, if there’s a guy or gal whose job is to put toothpaste on your toothbrush, where does it end? “Don’t just stand there, Jeeves, zip up my fly.”

Poor Jeeves. I’d hate to be him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How fun! You make me laugh! Keep blogging it when you just adlib and aren't too serious.
Sometimes the serious is good