Friday, October 16, 2020

A Truffling Matter

Blogging is a bit like hunting for truffles, but without the truffle dog. (Or the truffle hog.) Sometimes I sit at my PC and I know what I want to write about. I have a subject. I want to make a point. I have the narrative in my head and I know where I want it to go. But often I sit at the PC and I don't have any idea of what to write about. I may think for a while, or I may surf the Web until I stumble upon something that intrigues me. Then the fun begins. As I wrote in my previous post, "Writing them is like following a creek in the woods—I never know what direction they'll take next."

For example, take this blog post. I had a narrative in my head for it. I knew where I was going. But then a long WhatsApp conversation intervened and obliterated it. I can only remember that at one point I was going to write, "And I don't even own a truffle slicer." But I don't know what came before or after. 

However, while I'm on the subject, if you want to buy a truffle slicer (a.k.a. truffle shaver, and by the way they work well on mushrooms, too) you may pay over $70, or less than $2, and Amazon may give you a freebie if you buy a half ounce of Italian white truffle for $110. Yes folks, if pigs were as scarce as truffles, many of us could not afford bacon.

"Hello, waiter. How much for the bacon-burger?"

"That will be $115."

"How much for just the burger?"

"Five dollars."

"I'll take the burger."

"Fine. Would you like fries with that?"

"Uh ... how much for the fries?"

Truffle Dog Has Questions

I've never eaten truffles. I told a friend that I wouldn't pay that much for a half ounce of food even if it, well, you know. You know?! There is no food that tastes so good that I would pay $110 for a half ounce. Besides, with my luck I'd fumble the slicing tool and the lump of truffle would fall to the kitchen floor, whereupon a large fly would immediately land on it. And you're not supposed to cook truffles because it ruins their flavor. I would retrieve the truffle from the kitchen floor, brush away the fly, and... No, it's not worth it. But readers, if you've eaten truffles, tell the rest of us what we've missed. And be as descriptive as possible. Did your taste buds have an orgasm? Other than having bragging rights to eating something that was buried in dirt in the woods and found by a dog (or a hog), what was your reward?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. Think my stomach will appreciate more a hot dog than a truffle. Is like to buy a 30 grams of caviar for £70.
Great comment Mr.Wayne