Friday, October 9, 2020

End-of-Season Chores

We are well into the Fall season now. It began September 22 and ends December 21. It is 3:20 AM and I have been up since 1:30 AM. I'm a night person. It's not because I want to be a  night person. I just am. I wasn't always a night person. But I evolved. I go to bed at a reasonable hour and wake up three hours later. And that is if I get to sleep at all.

It's quiet in the house. The outside temperature is 49°F. Tomorrow is forecast to be 73° and mostly sunny. I have to make a trip to a grocery store in the morning. My kitchen cabinet holds one can of Brunswick stew and two tins of kippered herring filet. I have several sausage biscuits in my freezer. My fridge holds two tablespoons of peanut butter, some grape jelly, a 4 oz cup of applesauce, and a package of bacon. I'm getting low on food even by my own lax standards. I do have some oatmeal and grits. In fact, I ate grits with butter last night for supper. Plus, a tin of sardines. However, I know I'm scraping the bottom of the proverbial barrel, food-wise.

(Time passes.)

I'm back. I just gobbled down that little cup of applesauce and two slices of cinnamon toast. 

I mowed my yard yesterday afternoon. I figure this will probably be the last time I mow it because the grass is growing very slowly now. So I mowed it close to the ground. Today I plan to trim the shrubs around the front of the house. If I succeed in overcoming my natural inertia (inertia: a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged), my house will be more or less ready for winter. Then I can hibernate until spring, awakening only to check the mailbox and pay the occasional bill.

It would be nice if I can get another couple hours of sleep before starting the new day. It's Friday. End of the week. I think the applesauce and cinnamon toast are making me a little bit sleepy. It's a good time to see if I'm sleepy enough to sleep. Goodnight and stay well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It looks that summer is over and another season started, Fall is just beautiful and it shows me the beauty of what God has created. I hope you can accomplish the rest of your things. TA