Monday, January 4, 2021

The Election Show

I got up at 3AM again today. I walked to my dark living room and turned on the TV news. The Election Show was on. It's on every morning. Senator Whats-His-Face was giving his morning spiel, that daily Republican lament: "We was robbed!" I'm so tired of the Election Show that I turned the TV off.

For a long time (by "long" I mean since November, not since 3AM) they talked about crooked voting machines. Then the lawyers from the voting machine companies put all the right-wing news shows on notice that they (the news shows) were about to be sued for libel. Suddenly, retractions began sprouting like dandelions in the spring. According to those same news shows, the voting machines were fine and dandy, and had been all along. 

The latest segment of the Election Show features a phone call of Trump attempting to strong-arm the Georgia Secretary of State to throw the Georgia election count to Trump. Trump said it would be easy. Just go in front of the cameras, Trump told him, and tell the nation, "We found some more votes for Trump. Someone had put them in the laundry room and they fell behind the washing machine and no one noticed. But we counted them and there are exactly enough votes for a Trump victory." Sure, everyone would believe that.

I can't believe so many Americans want our country to go down that same road that tinpot dictators take. Trump lost. I'd like to tell him to take his loss like a man—or at least like Hillary Clinton. She didn't cry and moan about having the election stolen. And remember, she really did get more votes than Trump—almost 2.9 million more votes. And still lost the election.

Biden got 7 million more votes than Trump. He won. There was no fraud. Fifty court cases have been thrown out because there was no evidence of fraud presented in any of them. Many of the judges were Republican. Some of those Republican judges were appointed by Trump. Yet all of them did the right thing and dismissed the cases for lack of evidence. A judge can't overturn an election when there is no evidence of wrongdoing. 

Anyway, that's my mood at 0-dark-hundred. My readers are free to disagree. That's what the comment section is for. Use it. But do us a favor and don't make claims you cannot prove. Don't point us to conspiracy websites, don't repeat hearsay. Tell us what you saw, tell us what you heard. If you have proof of election fraud, you can be a star on the Election Show.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good morning
Great comments -- like yourself I'm tired of all of the election stuff. In the beginning I was convinced something was illegal but of course, I believe the entire swamp is illegal.

I love the phrase "like dandelions in the spring" --- oddly, that's what was left on my mind after reading your blog -- not the election show -- I wouldn't watch it anyway. I've lost all interest in this election rhetoric and plan to leave it to the real bull dogs to find out if anything was amiss.

One thing I do disagree with is that Hilary to our faces did take it better than Trump -- but behind the scenes I believe she was doing some fancy footwork.

There's nothing worse on a lovely 40 degree morning than talking politics -- but I do believe we should have gotten more funds than we did -- I've given up on any truth coming from DC and plan to appeal to a higher power.

Lovely crafted piece --