Tuesday, February 16, 2021


It's 11:30PM on February 15, 2021 as I begin writing. Today is (was) a holiday that used to be called Washington's Birthday, but now it's called President's Day. I don't know why the name was changed. It might be that Washington is no longer politically correct, what with owning slaves and the baggage that goes with that, so maybe he's been consigned to the dustbin of history, along with Jefferson, and their names shall no longer be mentioned.

However, I am wandering. I had a topic in mind when I started this blog post. The topic is generosity.

People feel good for different reasons. And one thing that makes people feel good is doing something nice for someone else.

Maybe doing something nice makes them feel important. 

Maybe they feel blessed and also feel that sharing their blessings with others is a moral imperative.

Maybe they feel indebted to another person and want to pay back that debt. (You've done nice things for me and now I want to do this for you because I feel I owe you and I want to pay you back so we'll be even.)

Maybe they cherish the other person as a family member, or as a boyfriend or girlfriend, or maybe as a good friend they know can depend on. Maybe they just want that other person to know they are valued.

But there are generous people who simply won't accept generosity. With them, generosity is a one-way street. And to them I want to say these few words.

If you enjoy doing things for other people, do you think it's fair to deny other people the same enjoyment?

It's good to be generous. And it's okay to say "No thanks" to an offer of generosity. But sometimes the right thing to say is "Thanks," and let the other person feel good.


Anonymous said...

Love the pic of snow --- I like the changing pictures. Good points in your post. I would love to hear from others who are very generous how we recipients can return the favor of generosity from their point of view. I truly believe in their hearts they expect something --- even if it's nothing more than letting them know of your willingness to do anything for them --perhaps that's all they need.

History is confusing enough and I do not approve of the unraveling of the names, dates etc. If each administration is permitted to make changes --eventually --none of us will know the truth. Think about it -- in our kids life time due to someone being offended Christmas could become a thing of the past.


Anonymous said...

What a nice lesson! Generosidad, is a quality that is a lot like unselfishness. Generosity is a word that many don't know and don't practice. Someone showing generosity is happy to give time, money, food, or kindness to people in need. There is a nice passage in the Bible, Proverbs 22:9. "A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor".
We have a saying that says: "as good and do not look at who"
Excellent blog, Mr. VW. You have tought me big lesson today and I hope to others too.