Saturday, December 9, 2017

First Snow of Winter

About two weeks ago I was in my backyard one afternoon. The sun was low in the western sky when I happened to look up and see a V-formation of geese flying south just above the treetops. A week later I was again in my backyard and I saw another flock of geese fly over my yard, headed south. No doubt their thoughts were, “Let’s get the heck out of here and head for warmer climes. Bad weather is on the way.”

The geese were right. Yesterday, Friday, around 5 PM snow began falling. It’s now 3 PM Saturday and snow is still falling. It’s a light snowfall so there’s only a couple of inches on the ground.

I walked out to my front porch, held up my phone, and snapped a photo. I was aiming for the park across the street, but I got some neighbors’ homes, too. I came inside and sat down at my PC. The photo was already uploaded to Google Photos. What a convenience!

The day is as gray as it looks. Of course, light snow is falling and that helps reduce color and contrast. You can see the mailman’s tracks in my yard. I thought I could do better. I decided to shoot another photo but this time zoomed in on the park.

Better, but still not good. I decided to try for a photo of the park but this time shoot it above the neighbor’s car. So I went outside one more time.

Third time’s the charm. I got my photo of the park. Well, part of the park. I think the photo is good but not great. It’s probably as good as one can get with a cheap camera phone in snowy weather. The thing mounted on top of the leftmost pole is the BFS (Big Freakin’ Siren). The city uses it to warn of tornadoes and other impending dangerous weather. It is loud! It could wake the dead. (Not that you want the dead to be walking about, looking through your windows, and going ‘Boo!’ to neighborhood kids.)

Tomorrow will probably be sunny. The day after a snowfall is always sunny — with one exception. If another snowfall is on the way, the sun may not come out until that impending storm passes. I want sunshine, so I’ll cross my fingers and hope for the best.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pretty pictures, fun commentary. Happy winter VW.