Monday, December 11, 2017

Movie Captions

These are actual movie captions for people who apparently have trouble understanding spoken English but can comprehend written English. Good luck, movie-goers.

No way. You do ‘em.

You do something — I’m not going first.

There is no bench 15. Maybe he meant bench 007.

I’ll give you ten million dollars if you do in pause right now.

Keep acting like children and permainkan will serve you right.

Path, I said. Path, path! Are you listening?

She? She who? The movie had no female actors.

Yes you will!

Good thinking. We’ll bet them later.

After 12 hours does it turn into a pumpkin?

Are those amphibians our frogs or their frogs?

Lookin’ strap, dude! Lookin’ mighty strap.

Did we just win a rope?

Just to be safe, you’d better menyanderaku even if it doesn’t happen.

Damn straight, way!

Is that near Elbonia?

No, you tell pengemudimu…

If we remain in pososi, how can we keep moving? It has to be one or the other.

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