Friday, December 29, 2017

Slammin’ Donnie-T

The phrase “President Trump slams” is wearing thin. After reading today’s news and seeing, once again, another headline about yet another presidential slam, I decided to view the recent targets of Trump’s wrath. I went to Google and searched for the phrase “Trump slams” and Google found 11,700,000 results. Of course, many of those are duplicate slams, but still. Either Trump needs to take a chill pill (or two) every morning, or certain journalists need to learn how to use a thesaurus.

I know Trump loves to criticize and attack — it seems to be his favorite pastime. Or perhaps it’s a tactic, or a strategy, or a means to an end. Or possibly, Trump is just mean and ill-tempered, and scathing criticism is the only way he can express a negative opinion. Whatever the cause, in my mind his caustic behavior has earned him the nickname Slammin’ Donnie-T.

Here are portions of real headlines from recent news stories.

Trump slams Vanity Fair
Trump slams FBI, Obamacare
Trump slams 'bogus' Russian dossier
Trump slams Justice Department
Trump slams China
Trump slams 'disgraceful verdict'
Trump slams 'crooked' Hillary
Trump slams U.S. Courts
Trump slams San Juan mayor
Trump slams acting FBI chief — and his wife
Trump slams Snoop Dogg
Trump slams Anna Wintour
Trump slams Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand
Trump slams Iran
Trump slams NFL
Trump slams Democrats
Trump slams Nordstrom
Trump slams 'Fake Media'
Trump slams Republican Ed Gillespie
Trump slams Sen. Bob Corker
Trump slams Facebook
Trump slams Kathy Griffin
Trump slams New York Times
Trump slams Sen. Al Franken
Trump slams Canada's practices
Trump slams Bowe Bergdahl's sentence
Trump slams Sen. Richard Blumenthal
Trump slams GOP Establishment
Trump slams UCLA player's dad
Trump slams 'SNL' writer
Trump slams Madonna
Trump slams Michael Moore's Broadway play
Trump slams Press as "Frankly Disgusting"
Trump slams Chicago Yet Again
Trump slams London mayor
Trump slams NBC News
Trump slams ABC News
Trump slams CNN
Trump slams Malcolm Turnbull (Australian PM)
Trump slams Arizona's two senators (McCain and Flake)
Trump slams special counsel appointment
Trump slams Congresswoman Frederica Wilson
Trump slams Republican Lawmakers
Trump slams Mueller probe
Trump slams Colin Kaepernick
Trump slams Cowboys
Trump slams Chelsea Manning
Trump slams Loser Pope Francis
Trump slams Judge Roy Moore's Democrat Opponent
Trump slams intelligence officials

Trump has “slammed” Senators, Congresspersons, the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, his own intelligence agencies, the FBI, the Justice Department, the court system (both local and Federal), major news outlets,  and many others. His obsessions and pronouncements span the range from issues of national importance down to such trivialities as the opinions of singers and rappers. And in what bizarre world does a football player taking a knee during the anthem take precedence over matters such as international relations and the threat of nuclear war? One wonders (okay, I wonder) if there is anything too inconsequential to become the target of a public tirade by our president.

And for goodness’ sake, Mr. Trump, stop putting all your thoughts on Twitter. That is what diaries are for.

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