Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Day After

As was foretold by the Prophecies (my prophecy in yesterday’s blog post) the day dawned sunny and bright after 24 hours of snowfall. It’s also 28°F.

At this time of year, high temperatures are typically in the mid-40s and lows are in the mid-20s. I probably won’t leave the house today. I would have to walk through snow to reach my garage, and I don’t have any galoshes to slip over my running shoes. Were I to walk through snow, it would get on my shoes, then melt, and because the running shoes are porous, I would quickly have cold, wet socks. But I’ll get by. Because today is Sunday, and that means Sunday football.

One thing that always strikes me about the day after a snowfall is how quiet it is. There’s not a sound in my house. It is very silent. For one thing, there is very little auto traffic on my street. There are very few pedestrians. The animals are hibernating, holed up in their nests and burrows, just as I’m holed up in my house.

If you saw yesterday’s blog post (“The First Snow of Winter”) you will recall how gray and dismal the day looked in my photo (see it here) . Contrast that with today’s photo (click/touch image to enlarge):

What a difference a day makes! One almost feels like going out and joining the throngs of Christmas shoppers clogging the stores, and happily navigating the Christmas shopping traffic sure to be jamming the roads, and going into the stores to spend big bucks on useless crap that will be used for one day before it’s put away forever.

I’m kidding! This beautiful day makes me want to do none of those things.

And here’s a coincidence — I went outside for 15 seconds to snap the photo above and I ran into a friend who happened to be driving past. What are the odds? As I stepped onto my front porch to take this photo, my pal Butch drove up and stopped to shout from his car, “You’re taking a picture? What are you going to do with it?” I told him he’d have to read my blog to find out. And here it is, Butch. May your holidays be happy!

And that goes for all of you out there in Cyberspace. May your holidays be happy!

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