Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Believe It

Here is something that seems sad to me, and maybe it’s just me, and maybe it’s because I’m an old-timer who is out of step with the modern world. I saw a picture of a man standing on top of a mountain. All around him was the vast landscape of the world. Was the man looking at the landscape he had climbed so many thousands of feet in order to see? No.

The man was looking at his mobile phone. And what image do you suppose he was viewing on his phone? He was looking at an image of the landscape that he had photographed with his phone. The actual reality was spread out before him in every direction, but he preferred to look at his phone in order to see a photo of what lay before him.

It’s as though people don’t believe reality unless they see it on their phone. It’s weird, and I don’t know the cure. I hear people say, “I believe it because I saw it with my own eyes.” That is much different from, “I believe it because I saw it on my cell phone with my own eyes.”

If you see it on your cell phone, it is definitely real. But how much can you trust your own eyes? Modern times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so cool and yet so true --

So often when parents are out driving the kids through a lovely forest ---the kids have their heads buried in their phones and miss it. I've seen it myself --

And if you take their phones away --they fall asleep and miss it anyway.

Oh my -- what to do --