Saturday, August 15, 2020

State Farm Update

Ten days ago I blogged about State Farm cancelling my home insurance (you can read it here.) In fairness, I sent my State Farm agent a link to that post. I was hoping he (or someone) at State Farm would understand the situation more clearly and decide that maybe they can attach a rider to the policy that simply excludes coverage for injury that occurs from using the stoop. The only person who might use it would be a burglar intent on breaking into my house.

I don’t know the reason, or whether the blog post had any influence with the company, but State Farm has decided to sell me a new home insurance policy. They didn’t renew the old policy; this is a new and different policy. The policy came with a booklet in small print that describes changes to the new policy. A number of things are excluded from coverage. For instance, they will now exclude coverage for damage by earthquakes and volcanos, although coverage is available for an additional fee. But they have added coverage for certain other events, such as for damage to personal property inside my home that was caused by wild bears or deer. I’m not making that up.

Oddly, the new State Farm policy excludes coverage for damage caused by water coming from a hose or hydrant. I may be wrong, but they seem to be suggesting that they will cover damage from fire, but not damage caused by extinguishing the fire. In the event of a house fire, am I not supposed to call 911?

I’m confused.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd keep my wild bears in the garage at any rate if I were you. And the deer in the freezer.