Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Juice Diet

It’s Tuesday Morning, 3AM. I’ve been to bed but couldn’t sleep. So I got up and now I’m having a couple shots of vodka in the hope it will let me sleep. And I’ve got the TV on. And I’m typing on my computer. The lights are off.

I ate nothing yesterday, despite my intention to eat. Never got hungry. The day before, I ate one chili dog. Oddly, despite my lack of eating I do not lose weight, which has saved me a lot of money on grocery purchases. Going without food is called “fasting.”

The Mayo Clinic says:

Regular fasting can decrease your low-density lipoprotein, or "bad," cholesterol. It's also thought that fasting may improve the way your body metabolizes sugar. This can reduce your risk of gaining weight and developing diabetes, which are both risk factors for heart disease.

On the other hand, webmd.com says:

But fasting for long periods of time is bad for you. Your body needs vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from food to stay healthy. If you don't get enough, you can have symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, constipation, dehydration, and not being able to tolerate cold temperatures.

So it appears the best way to fast is a “juice diet.” This is also called a juice fast, juice detox, or juice cleanse. It involves drinking the juice of fruits and vegetables, which gives you vitamins and minerals but no protein or fat. Or, I suppose you could drink plenty of water with a vitamin/mineral supplement, although I’m sure real plant juice is more nutritious.

I think I may go with option 2. Water and a pill has to be more nutritious than a chili dog. Although chili dogs have that mouth-watering eyeball appeal. They beg to be eaten. And they’re so much more satisfying than a pill. Once again, decisions, decisions.


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