Monday, August 24, 2020


I haven’t had much appetite lately. For example, this week I have eaten nothing. My friend (a female, of course—no man would tell me I need to eat more) insisted that I need to eat more. So I told her, “Sure, I’ll fix myself a nice salad.” That satisfied her. What did I actually eat? A chili dog. That was my food for the day, and it really did fill me up. If I’m not hungry I’m not going to eat. I hate to disappoint the women in my life, but that is just how it works. If I’m hungry, I eat. If I’m not hungry, I don’t eat. And guess what—being hungry is not my decision. I have no more influence on whether I’m hungry than I have over how much my hair grows overnight.

This is something that (some) women do that drives me nuts. They will pick out some flaw and tell me I can fix it. No matter that I’ve been to a dozen doctors and spent thousands of dollars trying to fix it and it’s still not fixed. They want to explain that I can fix it and they always pull out that old bromide, “Believe in yourself.” I want to tell them, “The next time you break a leg, just tell yourself you can walk if only you believe in yourself.”

I refuse to take advice from people who don’t know what they’re talking about. And women love to give advice.

Maybe this is why I’m not married.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear what you're saying but I believe people give advise in the spirit of caring. Friends feel helpless when another friend is fighting with an issue and the first thing they do is go into advise mode!
So here I go with some more advise -- try to forgive them for they know not what they do!
Grace cards can be redeemed.
