Monday, August 10, 2020

White Privilege

I’m White. Where’s my White Privilege?

My working career began when I was 13 years old. I’ve had some sucky jobs since then. I don’t recall ever getting a break because I was white. I had to work hard and long just to stay afloat.

I think the term “White privilege” was invented to make Black people feel better about themselves. People can tell them, your life sucks not because you dropped out of school and stand on the street corner selling dope. It’s that White privilege thing that puts White people ahead of you.

Do you know how much Oprah Winfrey is worth? Probably not, but here is the answer: 2.6 billion dollars. She’s a Black woman, and supposedly that is two strikes against her, black and female, and she yet she is worth 2.6 billion dollars.

How does she do it? Because she’s smart and makes good decisions. That’s all it takes in America. Be smart and make good decisions.

Do you know what is the most successful demographic in America? Do you know who makes the most money? Indians. I’m talking about brown-skinned people from India. My primary care physician is Indian. My gastro-interologist is Indian. My cardiologist is Indian.

White privilege isn’t real. It’s an excuse. Think about that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've often wondered about this subject. Why would anyone in their right mind entertain the idea of compensating the black population because they were descendants of slaves so many years ago.

When will the subject arise for compensation for the oppression of women for so many years -- for promising her for marriage when she's a little girl-- using her as a sex slave or work slave.

When will the subject arise for the citizens who are challenged to be compensated because parents used drugs and illegal substances during pregnancy. Why should they be doomed to a life of poverty when they may have otherwise had a successful career --- but for the parents or the parents before them.

Anyone can form an idea that they should be compensated for -- but the fact it's considered is the "...." of others - I can't even think of a word to describe it.

Good points in your blog.