Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Fortune and Fame

Some of us weren’t born to be stars, and that’s okay. We have our own constellation of talents, and maybe they don’t fit what the majority of the people want to see and hear, but they’re our unique talents, our unique abilities. They can be very important to some of us, even if fortune and fame do not follow.

Gregor Mendel performed experiments on over 10,000 pea plants, a science project that lasted eight years, and he discovered the Laws of Heredity. But their importance was not recognized in his lifetime. It wasn’t until after his death, when his Laws were rediscovered, that the importance of his work was recognized. The world has benefited from the work he started. The fact that he never saw the result of what he started does not lessen its value.

Would you rather have the fortune and fame of a rock star, or would you rather have antibiotics in the world? Alexander Fleming is not a rock star, but he did discover penicillin, a discovery that has saved countless lives.

Many of us don’t earn the fame of a rock star or the respect of a famous scientist, but we do things that are equally important. We raise and support our families, we protect our communities, we give up our time, energy, and money for others without expecting or asking for repayment. In some part of our mind, a voice tells us this is the right thing to do.

Even though most of us will not be fireworks in the night sky, we can be sparklers. We can let our own small light sparkle brightly. Do the thing you feel drawn to do. You don’t know who it will touch or how it will affect them. Be yourself and know that it made a difference that you were here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a delightful writing -- I thoroughly enjoyed reading about our unsung hero's --no matter who they are. They are the backbone of our society and most of them will go unnoticed long after death. But the results of their labors will go on forever.

I can imagine our world being illuminated so much if all the people who have done good deeds for others were all sparkling in the night -- (kind of like Hands Across America).

For a moment I felt like all is right with the world and the hero's outshine the villain's.

Great read !! Keep it up ! You are an inspiring writer.