Sunday, September 6, 2020

Sunday Morning Report

After a month of high temperatures in the 90s with the heat index above 100°, it was nice to have a high of 80°F yesterday. And the temperature this morning was … well, let’s allow the National Weather Service to speak for themselves:

Of course, the temperature will climb during the day but, according to the NWS, it’s only going to get to 83°F.

Even the little icon for the today’s weather looks inviting. In fact, the rest of the week is going to be in the mid-80s. Labor Day (tomorrow) is supposed to be nice with a few clouds. Then Tuesday through at least Thursday we will have a chance for showers and thunderstorms. We can’t have too many sunny days. This is central Virginia, not southern California. I’ve thought about moving to LA a few times in my younger years, but that whole San Andreas fault thing is kind of a put-off. They call the coming quake “the Big One” for a reason and it’s gonna be huge. But really, I never made the move because in Virginia I had a job I loved, friendships I enjoyed, bars where I liked to hang out and where I knew all the bartenders and the wait staff and the regulars, and they all knew me. No, I wasn’t an alcoholic; I mostly drank iced tea or coffee, but sometimes a couple of tall ones would make everything better.

Maybe I’ll trim some shrubs today. But now, at 8:18 on a Sunday morning, I’m going to fix something to eat. Three eggs, scrambled, three pork sausage links, and grits with butter and salt. That should hold me until noon. Blogging takes a lot of energy. You wouldn’t think blogging would be so energy intensive, but when things don’t go right I have to jump out of my chair and run around the room screaming and pulling my hair out. Then I calmly sit down and continue. My blogging tool is so old it no longer allows me to insert images into my blog. So you might ask, how did these images get into my blog? I use subterfuge and trickery. Honest.

By the way, this is article number 1501 for this blog. One thousand, five hundred and one articles, written and published. Damn, no wonder I’m tired.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great energetic post -- hope you're meals today were as much fun as this read!

Wonderful weather --- love the cooler days too.