Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Welcome to the Real World

I went to Food Lion today to pick up a few essentials. A few bottles of soda, potato chips, peanut butter and baloney (for peanut butter and baloney sandwiches, of course), and bagged salad mix to make it all healthy. At the checkout I was greeted by a friendly young lady and I returned her greeting. For some reason, she felt compelled to tell me she was returning to high school next week. I said, “That’s nice—video school or real school?”

Her: “Real school.”

Me: “I wonder how long that’s going to last?”

She had no response.

Me: “Probably until the death rate hits thirty percent.”

She stopped what she was doing and looked at me with a deer-in-the-headlights look in her eyes.

Me: “Hey, I’m kidding. I doubt that more than ten percent of you will die.”

Her eyes blinked and she began robotically bagging my groceries.

I paid, she handed me the receipt, I thanked her and wished her good luck in school, and I walked out. Sometimes I feel compelled to mess with someone’s head. I don’t know why, but to me it feels like I’m telling them, “Welcome to the real world.”


gatorontheday said...

My God VW........... you scared the beJesus outta that young'un......

I'm sure you are ashamed........ right?

Anonymous said...

You're an animal. But of course... that's what we like about you.

Anonymous said...

How old was she that she was returning to high school? Since she's already in the work force during Covid she should get some credit for being a go-getter at her age. At least you probably taught her to become aware of her surroundings and learn more of the dangers of Covid.